

英文 中的 新加坡人口 , 翻译, 中文

Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment
Recommendation in paragraph 21 that UNFPA make a provision for doubtful collection which should be appropriately disclosed in the financial statements and notes thereto.
本文件提供人口基金为贯彻上述 # dd # 号文件所载审计委员会各项建议有关后续行动的最新资料。
The present document provides an update of further actions taken by UNFPA to follow-up on the recommendations of the Board of Auditors as contained in document # dd # noted above
UNFPA funds placed in short‐term instruments shall be registered with relevant details in a separate UNFPA ledger and shall be included as assets of UNFPA in the financial accounts and reports of UNFPA.
Estimate based on 2010 population.
Encourages UNDP to give continued high priority to the work of the United Nations Evaluations Group, and stresses that United Nations entities, and not least UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA, could benefit significantly from further strengthening their cooperation in the field of evaluation, particularly at the country level, in support of UNDAF evaluation
Lastly, with regard to illegal migration and human trafficking, CSTO Member States firmly supported the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons and were working together to combat those problems in a joint operation known as Nelegal.
The inaccessibility of legal channels to travel has also led to growing reliance on smugglers and increased protection risks, including trafficking.
Section II is devoted to a thematic study on forced marriages in the context of trafficking in persons.
In its negotiations with the European Union, Turkey could have insisted on ratification as one of the conditions for its agreement to host the vast portion of the mass movement of persons across its borders, which would have resulted in a significant increase in ratifications.
Tuberculosis prevalence rate per 100,000 populationa
Low fertility rates in the population is a situation that no developed society has managed to escape
Poverty is often described as a “curse on humanity” as a result of which individuals or populations are studied as passive objects
This support will be critical as the Mission continues to implement the results of the municipal elections held last October and as it increases the involvement of the local population in the local interim administrative bodies
Recognizing also that a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to prevention, healing and reintegration is required and that all actors, including judicial and law enforcement personnel, migration authorities, victims of trafficking and their families, non-governmental organizations and civil society, should collaborate in the development of such an approach,
Report of the Secretary-General on the monitoring of population programmes, focusing on the theme “New trends in migration: demographic aspects”
Some speakers reported on pilot prevention and social reintegration projects designed in accordance with best practices and the evaluation of those projects, which included bullying prevention in schools, local justice, peaceful conflict resolution in communities and psychological interventions aimed at children and adults in vulnerable situations, including the introduction of special programmes for the prison population to prevent re-offending, which were practical applications of the Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime.
The report indicates that the Ministry of Interior is undertaking a three-step strategic programme to combat trafficking, focused on raising awareness of the issue and training police, judges and prosecutors (para. 161) and that several measures have been undertaken for the rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking (paras. 187-188).
Nevertheless, his delegation would join the consensus on the draft, as it was deeply concerned about human trafficking, particularly of women and girls.
A case in point is treaties on human rights, such as the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
The new Personal and Family Code was also adopted with the support of UNFPA.
Being very much dependent on trade, Singapore had participated actively in the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The seminars and symposia organized in conjunction with the Programme of Assistance were vital in enabling developing countries to learn about the work of UNCITRAL and to adopt and implement its texts
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Children's Fund have warned of the exacerbation of the critical humanitarian situation and of the great risk posed to civilian life, particularly the lives of children and other vulnerable segments of the population, as Israel's military campaign in Gaza rages on
Tunisia has also acceded to international instruments on trafficking in persons and protecting the physical and moral integrity of men and women, including:
Regardless of the avenue through which victims are identified, whether at checkpoints, by frontline officers or through raids and other operations, once a person claims to be a victim of trafficking or is identified to be a victim due to the presence of elements of TIP, they will be treated as victims of trafficking.
? 关于在特定情况下也应允许嗣后反对的提议见C.A.
? For the suggestion that subsequent objection ought to be permitted in certain circumstances see C.A.
? 在特设委员会第四届会议对案文草案二读期间,,据指出,需要与拟根据第2条(w)项定义的术语相一致,确保本条通篇使用的术语统一一致。
? During the second reading of the draft text, at the fourth session of the Ad Hoc Committee, it was pointed out that it would be necessary to ensure consistency in the terminology used throughout this article, in line with the term to be defined in accordance with subparagraph (w) of article 2.
Being very much dependent on trade, Singapore had participated actively in the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The seminars and symposia organized in conjunction with the Programme of Assistance were vital in enabling developing countries to learn about the work of UNCITRAL and to adopt and implement its texts
? 联大第45/117号决议附件和第53/112号决议附件一。
? General Assembly resolution 45/117, annex, and resolution 53/112, annex I.
? 在大会辩论中,俄罗斯联邦表示,“关于与武装冲突有关的环境保护专题,国际人道主义法已有足够的规定,因为武装冲突之前和之后的时期被视为和平时期,在此期间,适用于环境保护的一般规则完全适用”。
? During the debate in the General Assembly, the Russian Federation expressed that “[o]n the topic of protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts, sufficient regulation already existed under international humanitarian law, since the period before and after an armed conflict was considered to be peacetime, during which the general rules applicable to the protection of the environment were fully applicable”.
More than six weeks later, the vigil participants received letters from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) summoning them for questioning on September 7 for holding an assembly without a permit in violation of Singapore’s restrictive Public Order Act.
In Singapore, the practice of divorce through talaq now required the confirmation of the Shariah court, and no longer rested solely on a husband's word
? 该委员会是根据《少年儿童法》设立。
? This Council was established by the Children and Adolescents Code.
? 多位作者指出,欧洲法院没有适用按委员会所设想的方式行使有效控制的标准。
? Various authors pointed out that the European Court did not apply the criterion of effective control in the way that had been envisaged by the Commission.
“因范国瀚发起和平聚会而加以控告,凸显新加坡公共集会法律的荒谬性,以及政府严惩抗议者的意志,”亚洲区副主任费尔?罗柏森(Phil Robertson)说。“
“Prosecuting Jolovan Wham for holding peaceful gatherings demonstrates the absurdity of Singapore’s laws on public assemblies and the government’s willingness to penalize those who speak out,” said Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director.
? “关于为联合国安全部门改革方式作出贡献:拉丁美洲和加勒比的见解”的国际讲习班。
? International workshop on contributing to the United Nations approach to security sector reform: insights from Latin America and the Caribbean.
? 准备工作文件应表明,“其他机构”一词可理解为包括中间商,在某些法域中,中间商可包括证券经纪公司、其他证券商、货币兑换所或货币经纪商。
? The travaux préparatoires should indicate that the words “other bodies” may be understood to include intermediaries, which in some jurisdictions may include stockbroking firms, other securities dealers, currency exchange bureaux or currency brokers.
? 南里奥格兰德州法院。
? 指控性剥削和性虐待的许多投控人是见证或听到性剥削和性虐待的人,但他们本身并没有受到性剥削或性虐待。
? Many complaints regarding sexual exploitation and abuse are made by persons who have witnessed or heard about such exploitation and abuse and do not claim to have been exploited or abused themselves.
? 自2005年起,为私人就诊预约的77,000多次澳手语口译服务提供了口译。
? Interpreters have provided over 77,000 Auslan interpreting services for private medical appointments since 2005.
? 2005年纳米比亚的吉尼系数为0.68,2007年白俄罗斯的吉尼系数为0.27。
? Namibia registered a Gini coefficient of 0.68 in 2005, while the measure for Belarus in 2007 was 0.27.
? 根据2002年7月8日第56/509号决议修订的议事规则第30条,大会将在距第六十一届会议开幕至少3个月前为该届会议举行这些选举。
? In accordance with rule 30 of the rules of procedure, as amended by resolution 56/509 of 8 July 2002, the General Assembly will hold these elections for its sixty-first session at least three months before the opening of that session.
Particular attention was given to the benefits arising from the adoption of the Electronic Communications Convention both in States that already have legislation based on uniform texts of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) (such as the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand) and in States that have not yet adopted any legislation in the field, or have only partial and unsatisfactory provisions for this.
Nevertheless, like my Singaporean colleague, I would point out that the mere presence of the United Nations on the ground will create a sense of expectation to which we must be ready to respond as developments unfold.
? 现行议事规则第三十条。
39 Rule 30 of the present rules of procedure.
? 联合王国当局提供的资料。
? Information provided by authorities of the United Kingdom.
? 2006年2月3日国际刑事警察组织总法律顾问给联合国法律顾问的信,尚未公布。
? Letter of 3 February 2006 from the Director General of the Legal Service of the Commission to the Legal Counsel of the United Nations, not yet published.
? 如果司法调解没有解决问题,那么,除非各当事方同意,担任调解人的法官不得审理这个案件。
? If judicial mediation does not result in a settlement, the judge who acted as mediator will not hear the case unless the parties agree.
? 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利公约》第七条将“年龄”列为歧视理由。《
? The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families includes “age” in article 7, under grounds for discrimination.
英殖民時期,新加坡的消防服務是Singapore Fire Brigade的職責。
During the colonial era, Singapore's fire fighting duty came under the Singapore Fire Brigade.
尽管有本附件第 # 条的规定,若科索沃非多数族裔在至少有 # 名居民的集中住区的总人口中占至少 # %,则科索沃应与该族裔协商,以期另设市。
otwithstanding the provisions of Article # of this Annex, Kosovo shall engage in consultations with a non-majority Community where that Community makes up at least # % of the population of a concentrated settlement with a minimum total population of # inhabitants, with a view to establishing other new municipalities
ollmann先生(丹麦观察员)说,丹麦代表团认为,第 # 条草案不应包含公约取代现有内陆单一方式公约,因为那会破坏公约草案的适用性。
Mr. Mollmann (Observer for Denmark) said that his delegation did not think that draft article # should encompass new conventions replacing existing inland unimodal conventions, for that would undermine the application of the draft convention
It was to be hoped that the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations would be brought to a successful conclusion, creating new opportunities for trade, reducing the trade barriers between countries, and directing the trading system towards the development goals.
Those requirements were offset by underexpenditure in respect of other services, supplies and equipment, mainly attributable to a delay in the implementation of the cost-sharing arrangement for the new administration of justice system; and lower actual expenditure for after-service health insurance owing to a lower than expected number of claims and a one-month premium holiday for one of the medical plans.
Enhancements to staff development programmes, including the introduction of a new programme for senior women leaders; new organizational development tools that model effective management and departments; and a programme to foster a shared understanding of the meaning of ethics, integrity, transparency and accountability.
Organization of seminars on advanced space applications and new system developments for managers and leaders of space application and technology development activities as well as seminars for users in specific applications;
? 关于在特定情况下也应允许嗣后反对的提议见C.A.
? For the suggestion that subsequent objection ought to be permitted in certain circumstances see C.A.
我們會針對在拯救人命上 做創的公司及企業創立一個網路, 協助他們連結像姆索這樣的工作者, 讓她能為她的社區做更好的服務。
And we'll create a network of companies and entrepreneurs who've created innovations that can save lives and help them connect to workers like Musu, so she can help better serve her community.
For every admissible project, a summary table is prepared, indicating: the date it was received (in order to allow the Board to verify if the deadlines were met); whether the reports are satisfactory; any additional report requested by the secretariat; the amount requested for a new grant; the total budget of the project; what one third of the budget amounts to (because the implementation of a project must not depend totally on the Fund’s support; para. 25 of the guidelines).
他 说 他 是 你 的 音乐 老师 。
He says he's your new music teacher.
A new paragraph 4 is added, as follows:
Developing countries need the international community's ongoing and substantial support to meet the new challenges that they face
The key principles of NEPAD remain African ownership in the promotion of socio-economic development, the advancement of democracy, promotion of human rights and good governance
据此,为支持大会第69/262号决议第二节核准的的信息和通信技术战略,拟将员额和有关非员额所需费用从第29 B、第29 C和29 D款转到第29 E款(信息和通信技术厅)。
Accordingly, in support of the new information and communications technology strategy approved under section II of General Assembly resolution 69/262, it is proposed that the posts and related non-post requirements from sections 29B, 29C and 29D be transferred to section 29E, Office of Information and Communications Technology.
Authorizes the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board to increase the normal retirement age to 65 for new participants in the Fund, with effect not later than from 1 January 2014, unless the General Assembly has not decided on a corresponding increase in the mandatory age of separation;
In Guinea-Bissau, efforts made by the new authorities to restore legality need to be reinforced through the provision of support
The conclusion of a new legally binding treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons will make a substantive contribution to disarmament efforts, bearing in mind the inseparable link between such reductions and the deployment of global anti-ballistic missile defence systems.
Such a global agenda requires a focus on energy efficiency that would also promote energy flexibility for all countries through the provision of newer or more cost-effective energy solutions.
New tools, most notably a vaccine, would allow us to raise the bar of expectations, but we are already seeing solid progress using existing tools.
All the curriculum changes and enhanced learning experiences in basic education were sustained through the introduction of the NSS Curriculum in September 2009, as elaborated under paragraphs 443 and 444 below.
联刚特派团将根据安全理事会第 # 号决议规定的任务,协助该国政府组织全国和地方选举。 如框架构成部分 # 过渡后政治进程所反映的,政府就职后,应在 # 个月内举行这些选举。
In keeping with its mandate under Security Council resolution # would assist the Government in organizing the national and local elections, which are expected to commence approximately six months after the inauguration of the new Government as reflected in frameworks component # post-transitional political process
The problems had not been resolved and the Secretariat should present new proposals at the Assembly’s resumed fifty-sixth session.
The new members will take up their functions for a period of three years, beginning on 1 January 2005.
Underscores that the functional commissions, when mandated, should continue to have the primary responsibility for the review and assessment of progress made in implementing United Nations conference documents, while taking on a new focus in their methods of work;
New opportunities and prospects are opening up in terms of expanding our partnership circle and deepening our cooperation with international organizations
