还有人提出,被剥夺本民族历史的青年人往往以 罪犯作为偶像和学 习榜样,以便填补这种空白。 daccess-ods.un.org
It was also suggested that young people who are deprived of their history are apt to fill this gap with criminal figures as role models and points of reference. daccess-ods.un.org
多年來, 葉錫恩議員是我崇拜的偶像,剛 才她的演辭更令我深深感動。 legco.gov.hk
Mrs TU has been my idol for many years, and her speech just now touched [...]
me deeply.
随着源源不断的胜利和Quattroporte总裁系列运动版的推出,玛莎拉蒂的知名度不断提升,“来自意大利的美 国 偶像 ” 这 一特殊身份令公司更加声名卓著。 maserati.com.cn
Maserati’s fame grew with the
victory and the arrival of the Quattroporte Sport GT
S, ‘An American Idol from Italy’, can [...]
‘only reinforce’ this reputation.
必须是位偶像,这 是毋庸置疑的,但不能是歌星或影星。 wacker.com
如同许多孩子对超人崇拜一样,全世界也有很多的 C 程序员和 UNIX 迷把你当成了他们的偶像。 bsdmap.com
LF: The same way many children want to be
Superman, you are the idol of many C programmers [...]
and UNIX fans (among others) over the globe.
他的确 是和平文化、平等和民主的国际偶像。 daccess-ods.un.org
He is truly
an international icon of a culture of [...]
peace, equality and democracy.
塞维鲁是改变被控在一个青年偶像崇 拜 者和经销商的长度在伟大神奇的巴勒斯坦沙弥,艺术(libellus因此,安理会536)撒迦利亚,并极力向间接地驳斥这种诽谤,不过,在贝来图斯由有关的有趣的故事法术囤积在一 个 偶像 的 Me nuthis发现在埃及和路由巫师和,既利用了塞维鲁了这些朋友中处于领先的一部分,胜利撒迦利亚问他们是否会与团成员塞维鲁他不是他们同意在异教巫术和仇恨。 mb-soft.com
Severus was alter accused of having been in youth
a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian monks at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt [...]
and of the routing
of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.
区来粉碎阿赫默迪亚教派、什叶教派、道德败坏 行为、赌博、毒品、偶像崇拜 和其它与日常生活 更为相关的问题。 crisisgroup.org
Because of this, the ummah must be mobilised
to crush Ahmadiyah, Shi’ism, vice,
gambling, narcotics, idolatry and other things [...]
that are closer to their daily lives.
IMG Worldwide董事长兼首席执行官Mike
Dolan表示:“对像贝克汉姆这样的 偶像 级 人 物来说,这是引领推动中国足球发展的努力的绝佳时机。 tipschina.gov.cn
Mike Dolan, Chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide, which has a 10-year deal as a strategic partner and
promoter of the CFL, said, "This is the perfect
time for an icon like David Beckham to [...]
be spearheading the effort to promote football in China.
偶像資料 庫》系列的作品描繪著名的歌手,演員,以及重要政治人物;《香港傳奇》系列 作品喜劇化地闡述富有的人和他們渴望通過物質能得到心靈的滿足;而《藝術家索引》系列從藝術 史的角度彙編了多位有影響力的藝術家。 osagegallery.com
The Icon Archive Series depicts famous singers, actors, politicians of our time; the Legends [...]
of Hong Kong series illustrates
in a comic style wealthy individuals and their longing for spiritual fulfillment; and The Artist Index Series is a compilation of canonical artists selected from an art historical perspective.
影片的2006年爱尔兰小姐选美,在节日公园举行,美 国 偶像 , 大 卫总统Tabaré,西班牙的眼睛与音乐表演,参观今天的西班牙小姐,等等。 fidelcarrera.com
Videos of Miss Ireland 2006 pageant, held
at the Festival Park, with musical
performances by American Idol, David Tabaré, [...]
Spanish Eyes, visit the Miss Spain today,
etc. Work done for MBC Events.
于2012年6月14日举办,支持的机构有:Fairhill合作机构、西储安养院、教练角、住房帮助机构、露 西 偶像 中 心 、里贾纳卫生服务中心。 cn.lubrizol.com
Took place June 14, 2012 and supported:?
Fairhill Partners, Hospice of the Western Reserve, Coaches Corner, Extended
Housing, Lucy Idol Center, Regina [...]
Health Center.
2009年5月在南非度假期间,他曾经来到开普敦最大的Khayelitsha镇,并询问一群当时正在踢足球的孩子谁是他们最崇拜 的 偶像 , 当 时他满以为他们会说出一位顶级球星的名字。 wacker.com
While on vacation in South Africa in May 2009, he visited Khayelitsha, the largest township in Cape
Town, and asked a crowd of teenagers playing
soccer who their idol was, fully expecting [...]
them to name a top-flight player.
佛罗伦萨手抄本》按照很多欧洲百科全书式作品常用的传统知识分类,介绍了“新西班牙一切神圣的(或者说崇 拜 偶像 的 ) 事务、人和自然”。 wdl.org
Following the traditional division of knowledge common to many European encyclopedic works, the Florentine Codex deals with “all things divine (or rather idolatrous), human and natural of New Spain. wdl.org
亞洲天王巨星及台灣人氣偶像周杰 倫日前抵達香港出席新專輯宣傳活動,特地抽空現身香港杜莎夫人蠟像館,與早前揭幕的蠟像分身作近距離接觸。 yp.mo
Jay Chou, Asian superstar and
Taiwanese pop icon, appeared at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong to [...]
get up close with his new lifelike
wax double unveiled earlier this month, as the star arrives in Hong Kong for his new album promotion.
引發的負面影響不斷擴大,當中涉及的法律、道德、網絡安全、私隱保障、 兩性關係及偶像文化 等議題,均對年輕一代影響深遠。 legco.gov.hk
The adverse impact of the incident keeps spreading and growing, involving subject matters in such scopes as law, moral ethics,
online safety, protection of privacy, gender
relationship and idol culture and so [...]
on, all of which have far-reaching repercussions on the younger generation.
她拿起詛咒的偶像,並 決定離開她的玩具熊在地上, 把 偶像 的 運 輸。 flashghetto.tw
She picks
up the Cursed Idol and decides to leave her teddy bear on the ground and put the idol in the carriage. flashghetto.be
樂迷更可超越演唱會界限,從最獨特的角度、最接近零的距離 與 偶像 面 對 面接觸,無法抗拒地被征服於CPOP LIVE當中,為港澳享「樂」之人帶來全新音樂體驗。 yp.mo
The first concert on 5 October will be featuring Gary Chaw, Malaysian Chinese Golden Melody Awards singer-songwriter, and Tai Chi, Hong Kong legendary canto-rock band. yp.mo
影片的巴利阿里群岛小姐选美2005年,在节日公园举行,美 国 偶像 , 大 卫总统Tabaré,西班牙的眼睛与音乐表演,参观2005年的西班牙小姐玛丽亚耶稣鲁伊斯(2004年西班牙小姐)。 fidelcarrera.com
Videos of Illes Balears Miss pageant 2005,
held at Festival Park, with musical
performances by American Idol, David Tabaré, [...]
Spanish Eyes, visit the Miss Spain 2005 and
presented by Maria Jesus Ruiz (Miss Spain 2004).
Fair的唱片合约,参加麦当劳在当地市场投放的一部电视广告的拍摄,并在可口可乐公司安排下前往美国洛杉矶观看美 国 偶像 ( 美 国真人秀电视节目)决赛。 tipschina.gov.cn
As the new Voice of McDonald's winner, Hamilton receives $25,000, lends her voice to an upcoming DreamWorks Animation movie, a recording contract with award-winning producer Ron Fair, an appearance in an upcoming
McDonald's TV commercial in her market, and, compliments of Coca-Cola, a VIP trip
to the American Idol finals in Los [...]
2006年林俊傑初次嘗試演戲,第一次觸電是與S.H.E中的Ella合作演出臺灣熱 播 偶像 劇 《 花樣少男少女》。 tc.alivenotdead.com
JJ Lin added acting to his portfolio in
2006 by making his small-screen debut opposite Ella of S.H.E in
the hit Taiwanese idol drama, Hanazakarino [...]
Kimitachihe .
Jepsen因2007 年在加拿 大偶像中位 居第三而第一次进入人们视线。 ifpi.org
Jepsen had first shot to fame in 2007,
when she came third on Canadian Idol. ifpi.org
就在几个星期前,偶像级吉 他制造商Gibson在城市的另一侧设立了自己的旗舰店,这是其在美国以外开设的第一家,也是全球第三家店。 siegelgale.cn
Just a few weeks earlier across town, [...]
iconic guitar-manufacturer Gibson had opened a flagship store of its own—its first
location outside of the U.S. and only its third total.
说了以上这些,上海成为电视突破的中心,将 《 偶像 I d o l》 版权引入中国,看似是合适的。 youngchinabiz.com
All that said, it does seem appropriate that Shanghai was at
the epicenter of the TV breakthrough that
will finally bring “Idol” to China, since [...]
the city was historically the nation’s
entertainment capital and is fast regaining that crown.
同样地,爱彼首席执行官Philippe Merk也感谢那些名人偶像,他 们的宣言通常能为品牌源远流长的传奇篇章增添令人意想不到的趣味小插曲。 audemarspiguet.com
Equally, Audemars Piguet CEO Philippe Merk, thanks the “personalities whose testimonies shed often unexpected and amusing light on the legend. audemarspiguet.com
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