Cat 履带式伐木归堆机是一种高效的伐木机器,具有最佳提升能力、摆动扭矩和液压性能。 型号 单位:
Cat Track Feller Bunchers are highly productive timber harvesting machines that provide best in class lift capacity, swing torque, and hydraulic performance.
Boom lift capacities depend completely on the capacity of the forklift being used.
Cat 单倾斜装载机具有极好的挖掘力和提升能力以及优异的提升高度和伸展距离,确保提供出色的性能。
Single tilt loader from Cat ensures excellent performance, with brilliant breakout forces and lift capacities, combined with excellent height and reach.
Through action-oriented research, capacity development and coalition-building, the secretariat will enhance capacities and strengthen intersectoral and multidisciplinary links to ensure that assistance is effective and readily available.
Dual lift cylinders provide hydraulic lift capacity matched to the demands of the application.
荷马特气缸具备大型提升能力 - 最大工作压力为 720 巴 - 因此,这款体型较小的紧凑型气缸可以组合进行操作。
Holmatro's cylinders have such a large lifting capacity - the maximum operating pressure is 720 bar - that this type of relatively small and compact cylinder can be used to jointly do the job.
更大提升油缸的提升能力提高了近 15 % 。
Larger lift cylinders provide a nearly 15% increase in lift capacity.
Aspects such as ride characteristics, turning circles, stability and lifting capacity are studied in simulations during the design phase.
在配备侧面吊臂的情况下,具有 18 吨(40000 lb)提升能力。
Benefits & Features Performance 18 ton (40,000 lb) lift capacity with side boom.
The long undercarriage (L) maximizes stability and lift capacity. Technology
Forklifts, which in general weigh 1.5 to 2 times the lifting capacity of the forklift, provide a useful tool in transporting large shipments of product.
效率 省油模式可在标准功率下保持出色的挖掘力和提升能力,同时兼顾性能和省油需求。
Efficiency Economy mode maintains breakout forces and lift capacity at standard power, balancing demands of performance and fuel economy.
将机器的提升能力增大 7 % , 从而最大化提升性能。 可调的回转力度
Maximizes your lifting performance by boosting the lifting capacity of the machine up to 7%. Adjustable Swing Aggressiveness
With market leading lift capacity, reach and tight stick tuck-in capabilities, this machine delivers high performance.
High-pressure bags which have higher lifting capacities are operated at pressure between 90 and 145 psi.
Earth-moving machinery; lift capacity of pipelayers and wheeled tractors or loaders equipped with side boom
技术规格 概述 M322D2 提供更短的循环时间、更强的提升能力和更大的铲斗和斗杆挖掘力。
Specifications Overview The M322D2 provides fast cycle times, great lift capacity and high bucket and stick forces.
工作装置 液压系统 悬挂点后面610mm处提升能力 (牛顿) 26000
When you use Holmatro lifting bags to lift a heavy load, you may want to use extra support materials to reduce the insertion space, in order to make the most of the lifting capacity of the lifting bags.